
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Growing Pains & Flames

Growing Pains & Flames

Far too many times pastors can place undue pressure on themselves to grow the ministry and Kingdom of God.  To introduce people to Jesus, that He might save their souls. While some will credit that to an issue of pride, I’d challenge us to look at it from a different view as well.  For it is not that they are under the assumption that they alone are responsible for the saving of souls.  It is that when seeds are planted, when seeds are watered- if they do not see them flourish or bear fruit, they take it as a personal failure. That somehow what they did was not enough, that it failed to work because they failed, and that in failing they have failed and disappointed God. That they have let Him down after everything He has done for them and in them. 

Those newer, and in the early years of their ministry can especially struggle with this.  The first bestowing of grace, of the anointing of the Spirit is still fresh in their minds.  They still recall the before, and like Paul remember when they may have been “the worst”. The flame of the fire of the Holy Spirit is still a novel experience to them, when they can remember not having- and perhaps because of it- they desire to share that experience with everyone else, not fully recognizing why some would not be receptive of such a miracle.  They see the world, and know it is dark, sick, and dying- and don’t understand why others would not want to be well.  

On the other side of that is those who may be more seasoned in ministry.  While they too may remember the miracle of God’s grace and the first pouring out of the Spirit, their Upper Room Pentecost experience is not as fresh in their minds.  Perhaps, without even being aware of it, they have become accustomed to the Presence of the Spirit in their life.  It may not be that they have grown so acclimated to it, that they take it for granted.  However, the “gleam of the miracle” may not be as bright and recognizable as it once was for them. 

Thats is why two words stick out for wherever one may find themselves on this spectrum. They are ENOUGH and PRAISE.  Enough for those who struggle to believe that the new creation God has made them to be is enough. That when God is in control- then what they do is more than enough for God- regardless of how they personally feel.  

Praise for those who have perhaps become more experienced in God’s blessings and grace, and as a result, they unknowingly perhaps, failed to revel in Praising God for His blessings, His provision- and the gift of the Spirit in them and on them.

Those who still feel the fire of the Spirit so fresh in them that the heat is staggering dwell and live in a land and life of Praise.  What they need to recognize is that when they are guided by fire of the Spirit, then what is done in The Spirit, and Through the Spirit, is enough. Those who may have become accustomed to the heat of the Flame also need to remember to dwell in a Land of Praise- rejoicing in its warmth and power it gives.  That what is done in the Spirit and through The Spirit is not just enough, but worthy of Praise!

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