
Thursday, May 20, 2021

NSAW 2021 Recap

#Showyourshield #NationalSalvationArmyWeek Video Recap of our National Salvation Army Week fun.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Righting Wrongs Summit

Interested? Registration is $35, but you can use my special promocode:faithpartner to save $5!

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

National Salvation Army Week-

For National Salvation Army Week we challenged friend of the Army to #showyourshield today, and even share what the Salvation Army means to them. Can’t let that go by without sharing what it means to me. 1st- Family- not only has my family been Attending the Salvation Army as a Church since my great-grandma, but I’ve also found family through the friends and communities the Army has brought me to. 2nd- Freedom- I felt the call to ministry at an early age- without even fully understanding what it meant, as I was of a different faith at the time, and they didn’t believe in Women As Spiritual leaders. My family returned to the Christian faith, and started attending our local Army, as my mother did as a child. It was there God made it clear- He had not only placed a calling on my life, but brought me to a place where I could fulfill His will for me. I’ve been working on ministry with the Salvation Army for almost 20 years now, and have been an ordained minister and commissioned officer in the Salvation Army for almost 13. I am blessed to live out my calling now carrying out the Lord’s will and work at @tsacorsicana as the Officer/Minister in charge of ministry and programs. God has made a way for me to fulfill His purpose in my life of awesome responsibility of leading His people, His Flock- and sharing and preaching the Gospel. I feel free and empowered when I remember William Booth’s words- that some of his best men…are women. That’s only a part of why I love The Salvation Army. I love being able to care and love others as Christ not only commands us to, but does Himself. I am happy to be part of an Army of Love and Hope. #showyourshield #nationalsalvationarmyweek #womenpreachers #womenleaders