
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Can You See Me Now...

Hello...Can you See Me Now... The Internet came seem to be this real, breathing and living thing to us. In today's society we as adults (ages 18-39) spend an average of three hours a daily online and teens (ages 13-17) spending an average of four hours a day on line, we are well on the way to spending more time interacting with one another through devices then in person. There is a cute video out about Eggo waffles, where the parents and children are interacting with each other via their phones about "L'eggo the Eggo". Then comes the part were the youngest child, taking advantage of their distraction, grabs the Eggo and enjoys. The rest of the family had been so tied up in their phones, they didn't notice her approach until it was too late. Another stat about youth and internet usage conducted by Harris Interactive (back in 2007) was that between the ages of 8-18, they were spending an average of 44.5 hours. Now imagine how many young people now have phones and access to the internet since that report seven years ago, and you can be sure that the number has grown. The kids seem to have the phones surgically attached to their hands almost, and getting them to but it down, and to focus on something else can seem impossible. As adults, we are hardly any better though. Today's society relies on our smartphones, tablets and other devices that allow us to get on line, to interact with one another on games and social media sites. Now remember that Eggo commercial, where the youngest child takes advantage of her family’s distraction with their phones, and takes the opportunity to secure the Eggo for herself. The rest of the family missed out on what was happening in the world around them, because they were overtly focused on the "world" in their hands. The question we need to ask ourselves is first, have we allowed our phones, the internet, and social media to replace how we are interacting with one another in the real world, and in doing so, missing out on opportunities to show Jesus and to even be Jesus to those in the world who may need to know it. For instances, last night The Salvation Army in San Antonio took to the streets to hand out blankets, food, hot chocolate and bibles to those in need in preparation of the Cold Snap and freezing weather coming. It has been all over Social Media, this long, almost unusually cold weather that is hitting all over the United States just about. Pictures have even been shared on Social Media of Police Departments "Arresting" Elsa, from Disney's Frozen, as being "responsible" for this weather. Yet the question remains, while we are enjoying our nice warm coffee or tea, in warmth, are we thinking about those in need, who are out in the cold. The Salvation Army seen a need, and went out to help. Keith Green's amazing song, "Asleep in the Light", has a line about "Cause Jesus came to your door you've left in out in the street." Are we the family the in Eggo commercial, so tied up in the "world" in our hands, we fall to notice the world around us, and the people in it. There is a commercial about cell service, where an actor walks around asking "Can you hear me now?” supposedly showcasing how wonderful and clear the cellphone service is. The challenge for us now is to not worry about the phone, the internet and social media, and instead pay attention to the world around us, to the people around us so that those in need are forced to ask... "Can you see me now?" Join us as this month, at the Salvation Army Center of Hope, will be focusing on outreach and evangelism. Our theme for the month will be "Reach Out & Touch Someone- Someone's Life!” We are going to look at how it is important for us as believers, as CHRISTians, that we don't become so distracted by interacting with one another through a device held in our hands that we fail to interact with one another in real life. We will also address though, how we can use the time we spend on the internet and on Social Media to also be a tool in helping and reaching other. Here are the links to the pages with the stats we shared, as well as to the Eggo Commerical, and the Keith Green song. Stats found on: Eggo Commmerical: Keith Green, "Asleep in the Light" Plus, check out this link, we will talk more about it next post:

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